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Brian Jaeger

Brian Jaeger's WebSite
Thanks to Fred Poss at Eau Claire Memorial

Top Student Markets

This is a great list of contests:

This is a great list of contests:


Electronic Submissions
Action Pursuit Games - Monthly Magazine covering paintball. Accepts Fiction mss of 500 words Topics and forms include adventure and historical (must be paintball related) Contact: Daniel Reeves Editor Terms: $100 on publication of e- and print rights. Submission: complete ms.
Anthology of Poetry - one poem contest, due November 29th
Bloggler - just a nice place to make a diary
Bri-dge - click on any word in the saying to enter the site
Bulwer-Lytton - extremely funny contest
FanFiction -A totally cool spot to send your own version of well-known shows like CSI - and get reviews back from others.
Dreamvirus Magazine - We are looking for good, original, unusual, real and fresh writing and art of any kind - poems, short stories, dreams, visions, nonfiction, reviews, plays, novellas, photographs, collages, drawings, paintings, anything. The less categorizable you feel it is, the better. There are no rules, only vague indications.
First Line - gives you a first sentence each month and finish a short story--fun and easy - a great place for telling true personal stories about you - a great place for telling true stories about others
Guidepost - a religious market that takes inspiring stories
Kenaf - Memorial High School's own literary and art magazine
- the Up North Newspaper Network is a group of newspapers that covers Northeastern Minnesota and Northern Wisconsin.
- an email address to send things--stories, essays, and poems to the High School Writer
Net Poetry - a sweet site complete with a submitting link for your best stuff.
New Moon - accepts fiction 900 - 1,200 words for girls 8-14 years old
New Writer's Magazine - bi-monthly magazine, Fiction mss of 700-800 words. Topics and forms include experimental, historical, humorous, mainstream, slice-of-life vignettes.
Poetic Power - a cool place for sending and for contests
Red Writing Hood - a super suave site now accepting haiku for a contest. Funny and hip! - but submit five poems does cost $5.00 for an entry fee
Shine Brightly - accepts non-fiction of 200 - 800 words, for girls ages 9 -14.
Teen Ink  - one of the absolute best at taking everything...and has lots of contests  
Teen Ink Guidelines
USA Weekend  - big-time prizes with mucho money for many contests
Voice Mag - an extra-nifty site for poetry, non-fiction essays, and short stories, plus a built-in way to submit your pieces.
Write Source - likes non-fiction
Writers Digest - the 25 easiest to be published electronically.
 Writers Guidelines & News (e'mail) - The Who, What, When, and Where Magazine for Writers.  Accepts Nonfiction mss of 750-1,500 words. Topics and forms include essays, general interest, how-to, humor, inspirational, interview/profile, opinion, personal experience.

U. S. Mail Submissions

Iconoclast - 1675 Amazon Rd., Moniegan Lake, NY 10547-1804
Bimonthly literary magazine. Accepts: Fiction mss of 250-3,000 words. Topics and forms include ethnic, experimental, fantasy, humorous, literary, mainstream, novel excerpts, science fiction. Contact: Phil  Wagner, editor. Terms: Pays 1 cent per word on acceptance for first North American serial rights. Submissions: send complete ms.

Top 30 Short Story Markets - Writers Market 

Beginning Publishing
A Magazine for Novice Writers
A Literary Journal
Outsider Ink
Prose Ax
Doses of Prose, poetry, visual and audio art
The Unknown Writer Alternate Realities Webzine
Big Country Peacock Chronicle Blue Moon Review Cafe Irreal
International Imagination
Science Fiction and Fact
PIF Asimov's Science Fiction
Magazine of Fantasy 
& Science Fiction
Millennium Science Fiction 
& Fantasy
Connecticut Review The Literary Review
An International Journal of
 Contemporary Writing
Snake Nation Review
StoryQuarterly Transition
An International Review
The Georgia Review
Glimmer Train Stories Ploughshares The Southern Review
Tin House The Barcelona Review Event
Grain Magazine Prism International Storie, all write

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